Saturday, June 19, 2010

the ego can set up camp anywhere

My mind is like a commuting epicenter. Thoughts, ideas, fears, emotions,opinions, everything zipping around like they're each cars in the Springfield mixing bowl.

They all drive their own car and putter out vapors, these vapors float into the atmosphere of my mind, and many times, I wrongfully grasp a hold onto so many of these vapors and this causes conflict and struggle.

Thoughts are simply toughts. Fears, fears. Vapors, vapors. Period.

They do not define who or what I am. A feeling is just a feeling, period.

To "discover" or follow my destined, natural path, all I need to do is follow the breath, just as if they were the waves.

Like Adyashanti said, when you lay back on the sand aside the ocean, everything naturally becomes a part of you, you take it all in effortlessly-- the waves, the sand, the breeze, the birds, the people, the sun, the breath.

With struggle and conflict, and lactching on to these vapors, brings narrower awareness and stress.

Finding the right course is effortless, it's just allowing the waves to come in and come out, it's just about allowing the breath to come in and out.

With increased awakening, the ego fights back, so more struggle is natural.

But, I too, must take care of my body on several fronts to make myself less ceptible to adopting vapors nad thus struggling.

I must get enough sleep.
I must eat right.
I must exercise daily.
I must remain grateful.
I must continue to breathe.
I must stay truthful.
I must question my teaspoons.
I must ask myself, what is causing rift inside of me? What is causing divison and duality?

I must stive for oneness, and nonduality.

I must strive for effortless flow, for flux, for unconditional love

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