Sunday, February 28, 2010


Andrew, I think you're amazing. I think your approach to life is dead-on. And I can't think of anything you've ever done that I wouldn't have done had I been in your shoes.

Still, beloved, I think we could have a little chat about visualizing more often. Seeing the end result in all its glorious detail, bypassing the cursed-hows, and feeling the emotions you expect to feel.

Hey, it's my life too.

The Universe

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

jane and bjork

"When you don't talk about something, it's like sewing up a wound with a bullet still inside."
-- Jane Fonda

"You're trying too hard. Surrender. It's not meant to be a strife. It's not meant to be a struggle uphill. Undo. I'm praying to be in a generous mode. The kindness kind, to share..." 
-- Bjork

god damn ive been collecting a lot of images lately..

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

let's fly!

for the future

Box for the Future
this is a dress-up box for the future & it's filled with stuff like courage & love & play because they're the only things that are any use at all when you get Right down to it


A few words on perspective:

In all of time and space, Andrew, there is no challenge, pothole, mountain, chasm, hurdle, or foe larger than you. Not even close. Although if all you use to size them up are your physical senses... 
good luck!

The Universe

Monday, February 22, 2010

the darkness comes back so easily.