Saturday, June 19, 2010

from Adyashanti's End of Your World

True Awakening is the End of Seeking

Part of allowing the rest of the world to wake up is recognizing the rest of the world is free…everybody is free to be as they are. You must give the freedom to everyone to like you or not like you, to love you or hate you, to see things as you see them or to see things differently—
until you’ve given the whole world its freedom, you’ll never have your freedom.

The only way to get out of that relationship was to start to let go of everything that had gotten me into it in the first place. It wasn’t nice or kind or easy. It was existence shoving a mirror up to my face.

If we are willing to look we can see that Life is always in the process of waking us up.

This isn’t a journey about becoming something. This is about UNBECOMING WHO WE ARE NOT, about deceiving ourselves. In the end, it’s ironic. We don’t end up anywhere other than where we have always been, except that we preceve where we have always been completely differently. We realize that the heaven everyone is seeking is where we have always been.

- The very act of trying to get rid of something sustains it. By trying to get rid of something, you’re unconsciously granting it reality. You must perceive it to be real if you’re trying to get rid of it, so that unconscious granting of reality adds energy to the every thing you’re trying to get rid of. This type of clenching can’t be solved through a technique. In one sense, the awareness that there is nothing you can do is the most important realization you can have.

As long as we’re trying, there’s no letting go.

The only thing we can do as human beings is to see that all holding on is futile; all holding on is a veiled form of rejecting who and what we really are.

When you get out of the driver’s seat, you realize life can drive itself. That actually, Life has always been driving itself. It can flow in ways you never imagined. Life becomes almost magical. The illusion of the “me” is no longer in the way. Life begins to flow, and you never know where it will take you.

Enlightenment is absolute cooperation with the inevitable.

When there is a total letting go, a total devotion to truth and truth itself for its own sake, then we find that the very thing we let go of—the dualistic dream, the people we thought we were, the life we thought was actually real—calls to us in a new way. We find ourselves, in a simple and ordinary way, right back in our life. We must leave it so we can return anew. As Jesus said, we must be “in the world but not of the world,” which means to be in the world but not caught by the world.

Humanity is not going to change because we figure out a different system of government. It’s not going to change because of something imposed from the outside, because of noble ideas or grand systems. True transformation always comes from the inside. It comes from awakening. We come to see that the outside world is nothing but an expression of the inside. What is manifest is nothing but an expression of the unmanifest.

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