Friday, April 22, 2011

What an amateur...


The biggest pop star in the world has had a mini-meltdown. Lady GaGa broke down in tears (as usual) during her recent interview with NME magazine after being questioned over the similarities between her hit “Born this Way” and Madonna’s classic “Express Yourself”.

A bit of it does sound quite a lot like ‘Express Yourself’, though, doesn’t it?

“I don’t think… I swear to you. I am not stupid enough to put out a record and be that moronic.”

The reference seemed so obvious that it had to be intentional because, as you say, you’re not stupid…

“No. Listen to me. Why the fuck…? I’m a songwriter. I’ve written loads of music. Why would I try to put out a song and think I’m getting one over on everybody? That’s retarded. What a completely ridiculous thing to even question me about. I will look you in your eyes and tell you that I am not dumb enough or moronic enough to think that you are dumb enough or moronic enough not to see that I would have stolen a melody. If you put the songs next to each other, side by side, the only similarities are the chord progression. It’s the same one that’s been in disco music for the last 50 years. Just because I’m the first fucking artist in 25 years to think of putting it on Top 40 radio, it doesn’t mean I’m a plagiarist, it means that I’m fucking smart. Sorry.”

The criticism did seem to take the wind out of the song’s sails.

“There’s a lot of people who want to see me fail. The minute they see something to shoot at, they shoot, and the bigger I become the bigger target I am. Nobody in this room at any point looked around and said ‘Oh my God, it’s ‘Express Yourself’. ‘ Not once. Listen. I swear to you. I can only be honest with you about it.”

What will people say about ‘Judas’?

“I dunno… I think they will really love it. (Starting to well up) I just don’t want my fans… I don’t know. This is exhausting. I just don’t wanna perpetuate that shit. I’m sure you want to address it but it’s just so ridiculous. I was just fucking shellshocked by it. It’s so funny to hear you say, ‘It must have been a homage’, I’m like, NO. When I homage, I fucking homage with a big sign saying I’ve done it. Why would I not do that now? (Sighs) I just like… I just have to say… (Starts crying) I feel like honestly that God sent me those lyrics and that melody. When you feel a message to give to the world and people are shooting arrows at it… there’s no way for something that pure to be wrong. (Reaches for Marilyn Monroe lighter) I need a cigarette.”

Who knew that it was so easy to send GaGa into meltdown mode?

It’s all very interesting to hear her swearing black and blue that the similarities were unintentional. Especially after the back ‘n’ forth that went on between GaGa and Madge after “Born this Way” premiered.

The drama started when Madonna randomly uploaded the 1989 VMAs performance of “Express Yourself” onto her official Youtube. GaGa subtly retaliated the next day by performing “Born this Way” at the Grammy awards rocking a similar version of Madonna’s iconic platinum ponytail from the Blonde Ambition tour, followed by an odd acceptance speech in which she thanked Whitney Houston for giving her the strength to write “Born this Way” — if you know your diva history, then you’d know that Whitney and Madonna were notorious enemies throughout the 1990s. Shade to the highest power.

GaGa followed up her Grammy performance by announcing on Jay Leno that Madonna and her team e-mailed her their blessings over “Born this Way”. Madonna’s rep then hilariously told CNN that they were “unaware” of any such e-mail having been sent.

Somethin’ in the milk ain’t clean!

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